代表性论文 | 近5年发表的代表性论文: wen j, tan s, qiao qg, fan wj, huang yx, cao j, liu js, wang zx, zhao zj*. 2017. sustained energy intake in lactating swiss mice: a dual modulation process. j exp biol, 220, 2277-2286. shi ll, fan wj, zhang jy, xiao yz, tan s, wen j, cao j, zhang xy, chi qs, wang dh, zhao zj*. 2017. the roles of metabolic thermogenesis in body fat regulation in striped hamsters fed high-fat diet at different temperatures. comp biochem physiol a, 212, 35-44. zhao zj*, li l, yang db, chi qs, hambly c, speakman jr*. 2016. limits to sustained energy intake xxv: milk energy output and thermogenesis in swiss mice lactating at thermoneutrality. sci rep, 6, 31626. tan s, wen j, shi ll, wang cm, wang gy, zhao zj*. 2016. the increase in fat content in the warm-acclimated striped hamsters is associated with the down-regulated metabolic thermogenesis. comp biochem physiol a, 201, 162-172. zhang jy, zhao xy, wen j, tan s, zhao zj*. 2016. plasticity in gastrointestinal morphology and enzyme activity in lactating striped hamsters (cricetulus barabensis). j exp biol, 219(pt 9), 1327-36. zhao xy, zhang jy, cao j, zhao zj*. 2015. oxidative damage does not occur in striped hamsters raising natural and experimentally increased litter size. plos one. doi:10.1371 /journal. pone.0141604. zhou ss, cao ll, xu wd, cao j, zhao zj*. 2015. effect of temperature on oxidative stress, antioxidant levels and uncoupling protein expression in striped hamsters. comp biochem physiol a, 189, 84-90. zhao zj*, chi qs, zhao l, zhu qx, cao j, wang dh. 2015. effect of food restriction on energy budget in warm-acclimated striped hamsters. physiol behav, 147, 220–226. zhao zj*, chen kx, liu ya, wang cm, cao j. 2014. decreased circulating leptin and increased neuropeptide y gene expression are implicated in food deprivation-induced hyperactivity in striped hamsters, cricetulus barabensis. horm behav, 65, 355-362. zhao zj*, chi qs, cao j, wang dh. 2014. seasonal changes of body mass and energy budget in striped hamster: the role of leptin. physiol biochem zool, 87, 245-56. zhao zj*, song dg, su zc, wei wb, liu xb, speakman jr*. 2013. limits to sustained energy intake. xviii. energy intake and reproductive output during lactation in swiss mice raising small litters. j exp biol, 216, 2349-2358. zhao zj*, król e, moille s, gamo y, speakman jr*. 2013. limits to sustained energy intake. xv. effects of wheel running on the energy budget during lactation. j exp biol, 216, 2316-2327. |